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How it works:
AutoTrim continuously reads and evaluates input data from the engine (2) and the angle sensors of the drive trim (and trimtabs) (3, 4). When required the AutoTrim operates (3, 4) the trim actuators to maintain the optimal trim.
At the maiden voyage after the Autotrim installation the AutoTrim learns the specific features of the boat in question. Furthermore the AutoTrim has a built-in capability to learn from its experiences, booth by itself and by your assistance.
When you start the engine the AutoTrim starts up in its manual (stand-by) mode. Then you can still operate the trim manually as usual. By pressing the AUTO button you activate (1) the AutoTrim.
You can whenever go back to the manual mode by pressing the MAN button or by using the trim button on the throttle stick.
KAZI Innovation AB | info@kazi.se
Updated 2017-11-10.